Tuesday 31 May 2016

Final Tweaks and Final Results

It's been a week of mixed emotions. Although I'm beyond excited for my surgery on Thursday, I've had a hell of a week. I've just found out that I got a first in my dissertation, so that set me on a really positive path about everything.

On Wednesday, my uni experience really started to come to a close with my graduation ball. It was an amazing night overall, but one thing that really baffled me about it was that the next time I will see the majority of these people, I will have a new face.

Then I was an idiot and wore the most uncomfortable pair of shoes ever, which led to my foot been tore up and resulted in a pretty nasty toe infection a WEEK before my surgery...

Obviously, this isn't ideal and I'm still taking antibiotics to get rid of it before Thursday rolls around. The positive thing about it was that the doctor was pretty adamant that it won't affect my surgery or lead it to being postponed. However, I'm over the worst of it now and should be fighting fit when I go in.

In other - more relevant news - I had my final ortho appointment before surgery today and had my surgical hooks attached.

Please ignore the blurriness of the photo. I put red circles around the new hooks to make them a bit clearer.

I don't know yet how long I will be wearing the elastics that these will be used to hold, but I won't find that out until after the surgery.

So for now, that's all we have to do. I'm completely ready to go with my surgery and the next time I post will be a post-surgery update. EEEEEK! It's so bizarre to type these words, as it's what I've been waiting for, for over a decade! 

I don't know when I'll next be feeling up to posting here, but I promise it will be soon!
Until next time.

Monday 16 May 2016

Blood Tests and Brutal Truths

As I have previously mentioned, today (May 16th) was my pre-op assessment. I met with both my surgeon and a general nurse, and it's fair to say the appointments had some ups and downs.

I entered the Oral Surgery department with the same crippling nerves and anticipation that I usually have and was called in to see my surgeon almost immediately. He proceeded to show me two models of my jaws. One in their current position and one in the position they will be in after the surgery - which was so weird! Even though I could tell they were my teeth, I don't think I actually realised how different they are going to look afterwards.

Apparently he wants to place them in a slight overbite, so when my muscles and jaws settle in to their new positions, they have a bit of wiggle room if they start to move back to their original position. Also, this allows my orthodontist to carry on with my brace work and really perfect my bite and teeth.

He fit two plastic things in my mouth and made sure they fit my teeth - for a reason I don't quite know of. I believe it was a hard version of the warm wax that you bite on when they take impressions of your teeth.

After more measuring and tilting my head in all directions, I signed my consent form and he went on to tell me something I knew was coming, but really didn't want to hear. My surgery may be cancelled as late as the hour before it is scheduled if there are no beds in the ward or should an emergency case need a jaw surgery.

Obviously, this is understandable and expected, but the bluntness of the situation and the fact that it can be so close yet cancelled so quickly has stuck with my all day!

After this I was rushed off to see the nurse to have the dreaded blood tests. Now, if there's one thing that should be known about me and doctors, it is that I don't do well with needles. Having never had a blood test before, I really didn't know what to expect. Although the needle itself wasn't half as bad as anticipated, the nurse decided to take 10ml of my blood BEFORE taking my blood pressure. So as soon as the pressure cuff tightened around my arm, I felt really woozy and my ears started to muffle. Then, I practically passed out in the chair. I tell you... I've never sweat so much in my life. I didn't know so much water was capable of escaping from my body at once...

About a minute later, I was informed by quite a flustered nurse that I had low blood pressure and this was followed by five minutes of her trying to get it back up to a normal figure. Eventually, I stopped sweating and regained some sort of consciousness and was swept out as quickly as I was rushed in.

So, all in all, it wasn't totally unpleasant visit. I got a first glance of my potential new bite and am officially consented! However, the constant worry of it being cancelled at last minute won't leave me until I'm in that theatre!

My next appointment is with the orthodontist at the end of the month, where I will be getting surgical hooks attached to my braces and last minute prep for my op!

Saturday 14 May 2016

Before Photos and Recovery Worries

It's now less than 3 weeks till my surgery and the closer it gets, the more antsy I'm becoming. I find myself at silly hours in the morning, searching for jaw surgery blogs and YouTube channels to make sure I'm super-duper prepared for what's waiting for me.

As this past month since getting my date has gone so fast, I don't really know how to grasp the fact that in 19 days, I will have a different face. Even just typing it now and telling my friends about it in person, the meaning of those words really haven't sunk in.

Obviously I'm absolutely bricking it, although it's not the surgery itself that scares me. After having two operations previous to this one, I like to think of myself as quite the surgery connoisseur by now... I've heard a lot of horror stories about the first four days after the surgery. The not eating, not sleeping and not talking is only a handful of the things that worry me about the recovery process.

I guess my worries are quite trivial. For example, I find myself wondering how I'll be able to sneeze, cough and yawn... The pain of swallowing and breathing also plays on my mind a lot. Although the bruising and swelling is different for everyone, I worry that I will still look battered and bruised for my University Graduation in July...

Nevertheless, after seeing everyone's results, I really believe that it'll do for me what it seems to have done for other people.

All this being said, I realise that I am yet to share any photos of my bite as it stands before the surgery. It was quite challenging finding photos where my underbite is visible as after so long, I've managed to find various angles where I can disguise or hide it.

So here is a selection of random photos and specific bite photos to give you more of an idea of what I'm aiming to get rid of. In nearly all of these, you can see how my underbite not only impacts my smile, but my side profile, cheek bones, lips and nose...

**Please excuse the state of my skin here. I'm having a very bad face day...**

And here's some random ones where I haven't really tried to hide it...

Although there's an attempt to minimise my jaw in this photo, it's still really visible and you can see how I can't seem to smile without it showing.
This is the only photo of me I've ever found with a side profile. I was clearly caught off guard...
This isn't so much about my underbite, but more my cross-bite. Although it's a pretty minimal problem in my bite, it hugely alters the way my chin and lips look most of the time.

Oddly, clicking Publish on this is a lot harder than I anticipated. It's different to posting photos to Facebook or Snapchat. Here I'm drawing attention to the thing that I try at most times to disguise or hide completely. I suppose it's just further proof that my surgery is really what I need to do to regain a degree of self-confidence...

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Why am I getting Jaw Surgery?

A lot of people have asked me questions regarding my surgery and each question has too long an answer to tell them there and then. So, I decided to create a blog post for each of the major questions that I get asked on a pretty regular basis.

First things first, I think I should clarify that Jaw Surgery is a  corrective, reconstructive procedure - NOT plastic or cosmetic surgery, as 70% of the people who I tell, assume.

Needless to say, having any form of disfigurement, especially a facial one, is difficult. Aside from giving me my self-confidence and esteem issues, my jaw causes me physical problems such as talking, eating, biting and smiling and it has done for years.

When I was 7 years old, I had severe overcrowding in my mouth and I had my first hospital experience, where I had two teeth removed under a general anesthetic -  meaning I was put to sleep for the duration of the operation.
Then at around 11 years old, I had braces fitted for the first time to my upper teeth. I only had these appliances on for 10-11 months, as my teeth rearranged themselves quite quickly. However, once they were removed and I was given my retainer - which at the time was a lot less discreet than the clear guards we have these days - my teeth quickly moved back to their original position.
The problem here was that my jaws hadn't fully grown and we were told that an overbite or underbite would be possible after the braces were removed.
Obviously that happened for me, and I was blessed with a lovely underbite. *Note the sarcasm*
Since then, everything has been a shambles. There was constant dentist appointments where I was refused braces for a second time, until I was offered the idea of this surgery.
At the time, my wimpy 12 year old self said a solid 'NO'. No way was anyone cutting into my bones...
My parents and dentist urged me that I might change my mind when I got older and more bothered about my appearance and God, were they right!
As soon as I turned 13 and moved into Year 9 at school, things got worse. I was more aware that my jaw was different to everyone else. Lots of my friends were getting their first boyfriends and all these new friendship circles, but because I was so self-conscious about my jaw, I held myself back. I had a few close friends in school, which actually proved themselves otherwise and showed their true colours soon after. I was left with my two best friends and that was it.
I remember feeling horrible because I felt that I was holding them back from going off and making new friends, but they stuck with me through the entirety of school and college.

I think I should make it clear that I don't consider myself to have been 'bullied' in the traditional sense of the world. People didn't go out their way to make my life a misery, I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was called all types of things - Jaws, Bulldog, Ironing Board and even though the names hurt, I didn't blame the people that called me them. I blamed myself because I was the one with the messed up jaw after all. They were just saying what was true.
I got less confident and more miserable, and most of the time, I would pull my scarf or jumper over my mouth whilst walking around school.
It does make me emotional just thinking about how self-conscious I was. Even now that I've gained slightly more confidence, I'm still so aware of my jaw wherever I go.
I try to keep my hair down most of the time, so it hides my side profile and when I have to wear it up, I keep my chin down to my chest to hide my prominent bottom jaw. Needless to say, it's a nightmare!

When I was given the opportunity to have this surgery, I knew it was going to be a long process. Obviously, I was and am fully aware of how the whole procedure was going to work and that it's a pretty major surgery,which will result in me having a few months of pure discomfort. However, the thing that keeps pulling me through is thinking how I'm going to feel afterwards. From every blog and YouTube video I've come across, I know that all the discomfort and few months of my life which will be filled with liquid diets and wired jaws will eventually be worth it. I know I'll be finally happy with how I look, I'll be comfortable with getting photographs again and for the first time, I might even feel confident in myself!

So, that's all I really have to say on the matter so far. I apologize for the cliche-filled post you just endured but I promise the rest of my posts won't be so gooey and sentimental!

I have a pre-op appointment on May 16th, so I will be sure to update soon.
Until next time